Happy Halloween

So I just realized that I probably won’t be around a computer later tonight and won’t be able to post about the holiday festivities until tomorrow.  I’ll write a mid- day today.

My sleep schedule is all messed up.  I blame it on my schedule at work.  Right not I’m working the midnight shift, but on my days off I try to sleep like the rest of the world does, which usually doesn’t work.  I wake up between midnight and 1 and then can’t get back to sleep for hours.  I often lay there frustrated.  I don’t want to get up incase I can get back to sleep, but then I feel like I should get up and get stuff done.  Last night I woke up around 1:00 and couldn’t get back to sleep until 4:00.  I then got up at 7:00 to head over to my parent’s house for breakfast.  My mom made some banana nut waffles… yummy!  I had one with 1 sausage link, 1 slice bacon and some apple crisp.  I also snagged some of the apple crisp for later.

It looks a little like mush, but believe me it's delish!

After filling myself up on some yummy food, I headed back home for a much needed nap.  My daughter let me sleep for about a hour before I had to get up and get lunch ready.  I made a salad for myself.

lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, onions, 100 cal pack of monterey and jalapeno cheese, and a few of my leftover calamari

I also had a tbs of Sesame Ginger Vinagerette on it.  I think it’ll hold me over until dinner tonight.

With that I’m going to go drink a bunch of water to get hydrated for the drinks I’ll be having tonight.  Everyone have a happy and safe rest of their Halloween.

Let me add that even though I’ve been writing down everything I eat, I don’t feel like I’m doing that well keeping up with my calories.  I haven’t been eating too much, but I don’t feel like I’ve been as strict as I have been.  I might have an extra latte, or a fun size piece of candy that I don’t calculate.  I think it’s more that it’s my days off and I want to relax.  Counting calories, measuring food, planning out my meals… it all feels like a second job sometimes.  If I want to get where I want to be though, I need to buckle down.  I can’t slack off on the weekends and ruin all the progress I’ve made during the week.  Now that I realize this, I can work on doing better.  I also did not do any exercises today!  That adds a day to my 30 day shred. Well, there’s always tomorrow…

And so it begins…

And so Halloween begins

Mmmmm... chocolate

This is a few pieces of Halloween candy that my daughter has gotten so far.  She’s one of those weird ones that doesn’t like chocolate.  I don’t know how she ended up like that.  I would think my chocolate gene would definitely pass on to her.  She’ll eat plain chocolate on occasion, but anything else is given to Mom.  *sigh* And since I don’t waste food I’ll have to eat it.  Maybe I can eat a piece a day (or maybe not).

I’m enjoying my lazy Saturday.  I’m catching up on all my Housewives (Atlanta, Bev Hills, and D.C….the reunion).  So I feel like I’m still getting something done I do chores during commercial breaks.  Haha.  Does anyone else do that?  My day started out with the usual breakfast Apple bread, mixed berry smoothie and a latte.   I started Level 2 on the 30 day shred.  I was a little scared, but I think I like Level 2 better than level 1.  I only burned 237 calories, but my cal fat % was higher.  Does anyone know what that means?  Is it better to have a highger % of fat cal, then calories burned?

For dinner/lunch ( I got up late, so I’m eating both meals as one)  I ate a little bit more calorie wise since it’s two meals in one.

Calamari with creole remoulade sauce, garlic sweet potato fries, and for my veggie a side salad

Calamari with creole remoulade sauce, garlic sweet potato fries, and for my veggie... a salad

I was craving something not so good for me, but didn’t want to over indulge so I went into my freezer and got out the Margaritaville Calamari that was an impulse but one day at Target.  I stayed with a serving and I must say it hit the spot.  I had a fee sweet potato fries to use up, and sweet potato fries… yum.  The meal was pretty good but was even better with some wine.

Oh, red wine how I love you

And wine goes even better when I’m drinking it with my friend, Erin.  I am blessed to have my bestie live right across from me.  We met when she first moved in, and she has a daughter the same age as mine.  They are only 15 days apart.  You can often find us at each other’s house drinking a glass bottle of wine.  For a snack we munched on some popcorn.

Caramel, cheddar, and jalapeno popcorn

The day kind of flew by.  That always happens when your off though.  Tomorrow will be a day filled with family and friends.  We’re going to my parent’s house in the morning for some waffles.  Then we’ll come back home and get ready for the evening.  The evening will be filled with fire for roasting hot dog and marshmallows and of course trick or treating.  I’m sure it will be a day of fun.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

It’s Friiiidddaayyy!

I’m so excited for it to be Friday.  With my job there are many weekends I have to work, but every so often I’ll get a weekend off, and this is one of them!  I can’t wait for the weekend to start.  Tomorrow I don’t have too much planned.  All I want to do is be at home, get things done around the house, and catch up on some of my shows that I have recorded.  I mean I have a whole weeks worth I haven’t been able to watch.  I’m looking forward to a lazy Saturday.  Then Sunday it’s Halloween!  I got a few things planned that day, but it’s all pretty low key.  I’ll keep you updated throughout the weekend.

Let me start with a little confession.  Yesterday at work I was super tired.  Like my eyes were trying to close and it was a struggle to keep them open.  Don’t you hate days like that?  So I always turn to food when I feel like that.  I guess I feel like eating will keep me awake.  I had already ate most of the food I had brought with me, so I took a walk to the vending machine.  I know, I know.  I’m ashamed.  So I ended up getting a

I ❤ white chocolate.

I ate half of the bar which was 100 calories, and decided that if I wanted anymore to eat I needed to eat my carrots.  Which I did.  So I wasn’t too bad.  But of course the scale made me aware of my treats this morning.  I won’t let it get me down though. 

So my morning started off like any other morning.  I had my apple bread, mixed berry smoothie, and a latte for breakfast.   I decided not to put up a picture since you’ve seen it every day this week 🙂 I did my 30 day Shread workout before Justine got home from school and then did a bunch of chores around the house.  I’m starting to feel a little better about my rut, but I just have to get back into a routine.

For lunch I had a morningstar chik patty… my last one in the freezer, and probably last one for a while after I looked at the stats on the back.  *sigh* I’ll miss you my friend.  I had it on sandwich thins with some lettuce and 1/2 tbs of baconnaise.  Has anyone ever tried it?  It’s pretty tasty.  It’s like bacon and mayo, but with fewer calories.  1 tbs is 35 calories.  Not too shabby.  I ate my sandwich with my baked beans and am happy to say I finished them off today.  Woot Woot!  I get excited when I finish off some leftovers and get a container out of my fridge.  It’s the accomplishment thing.  I feel like I’ve done something.  Haha.

I didn’t make it to the gym before work like I have been.  I decided to listen to my body and it was telling me… please no exercise.  I’m tired.  I need a rest.  So that’s what I did.  I stayed home a little longer and got a few more things done, and got a few more minutes with Justine, and I didn’t feel guilty.  I guess because I did do some type of workout already today.

For dinner I had chicken apple chili.

It might not look that great, but trust me it's gooooddd.

And dessert

I do think that the Mousse Temptations are tasty and for only 60 calories, they help with me sweet tooth, but I have been becoming more aware of what food I eat is made out of, and this doesn’t have the greatest ingredients.  I’m not sure if I’ll be buying these anymore.  I’m sure there are just as tasty, better for me things out there.  Anyone have any ideas??