My weekend through food

I don’t have too many weekend pictures to recap, since I worked all weekend Crying face… hahaha…. I know, I know.  I’ve said that one too many times.  Actually I still had a great weekend.  I caught the holiday weekend vibe just by being around everyone else Smile And I still got to spend some extra time with the family and see friends that I haven’t seen for a while.  I do however have some weekend eats to share with you….

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I have jumped on the pancakes bandwagon.  I love having these things for breakfast, and not just on the weekends.  I like having them everyday.  I actually cooked some pancakes for me and Justine tonight so we have some to last us the next few days.

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I had a free coupon for a McDonald’s frozen strawberry lemonade.  I didn’t really like it the first time I tried it, but being I had a coupon… I just had to use it.  And then I thought how good it would be with a little coconut rum.  Of course it was fantastic.

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Nothing says holiday weekend to me like a bbq chicken dinner that a church was selling.  Chicken, beans, coleslaw… I was in heaven.  This is the 3rd Saturday in a row that I’ve had bbg chicken.  Can you say addict?

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I also finished off the last of my Easter Reese’s eggs.  They lasted me over a month….I’m impressed with that Smile

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More Pancakes!  These were topped with Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut butter.  Can you believe this was my first time trying Justin’s!  Oh yes.  I’m in love.

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I made some coffee so I could get it cold for some iced coffee.  The only thing that sucks about having only a Keurig and Tassimo coffee maker is that it makes 1 cup at a time.

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Do I have to say anything more????

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OIAJ!!!  This was my breakfast today.  I tried something new and cooked the oatmeal, before putting it in the peanut butter jar… and oh my goodness.  It was fabulous.  Before when I made OIAJ I would eat the oats cold, but not anymore.  I can’t wait for another empty jar of pb.

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And for dinner tonight… leftover from The Melting Pot!!!  That has to be my fav restaurant, but it is quite expensive.  Thankfully I found a coupon and both my mother and I had gift cards which helped with about half the bill.  The food is fantastic, and I love how you sit for a four course meal.  I’ve never had leftovers before, but last night it just seemed like so much food.  I cooked it up and brought it home.  It’s even delicious the next day.

So there you have my eats from the weekend.

Even though today was jammed packed it turned out to be a great day. 

Tomorrow I’m planning on staying home and getting some stuff done around the house.  I actually have my day planned out by the hour.  I think my scheduling is getting a little out of hand Smile

do you trust yourself?

I had a post all written today… about the one thing that I don’t talk about a lot on my blog, but one of the things that mean so much to me.


Ahhh…yes.  Love.  It’s in the title of my blog.  It’s one of the things that I need to make my life feel balanced, but it’s the one thing that I don’t have a lot of.  Besides loving my daughter, my family, and my friends… there’s no love to be seen.

I was going to tell you how I don’t trust easily.

How I have built a wall brick by brick so that know one would be able to get to my heart.

That I do not trust.

That I have been hurt too many times before.

And then something hit me.

I was reading Tina’s post today, and I realize it’s me that I don’t trust.

I don’t trust myself.

I don’t trust myself to not overeat.

I don’t trust myself to make the right food choices.

I don’t trust that I can be a runner.

I don’t trust that I can lose the weight that I want to lose.

I don’t trust that I won’t binge and purge.

I don’t trust that I will choose the salad over the fried chicken.

I don’t trust that I will pick the right guy.

I don’t trust that I will allow myself to feel loved and to be loved.

Food is one of my biggest loves… but it’s also one of my worst fears.

I fear food like I fear a broke heart.

I have had a love/hate relationship with food since I can remember. 

When I was a teenager I would eat an orange a day, and then go run five miles so that I could be thin.

I have overate and purged because the guilt was too extreme.

I have looked in the mirror and picked out every flaw I could find.

I loved to eat, but I hated the way it made me feel.

What I realized today is that I need to learn to trust myself.  I need to learn to listen.  I will not steer myself wrong and I need to have faith in that.  I need to realize that I will make the decisions that are best for ME, no one else.

I need to trust that I appreciate my body so much more now, that I won’t be destructive to it.

I am slowly learning.


I am slowly healing.

And I am slowly learning to love myself again.

a random love story

***Warning*** This is kind of a random post. Smile

I was sitting at work today thinking about my favorite stores, like Target that has everything.

Which lead me to think about if I was ever stuck in a store, what store would I want to be stuck in… Target.

Does anyone remember the movie Where The Heart Is?


Natalie Portman plays a girl who ends up pregnant.  Her mean and nasty boyfriend leaves her at the Wal-Mart and with no where to go she ends up living inside of the Wal-Mart.  She kept track of everything she used there, I guess thinking that she would pay the store back.  She ends up going into labor in the Wal-Mart, and thankfully a guy liked her and had been watching her going into the store and ends up saving her.  When Justine was little she would watch this movie almost everyday.  Now when it’s on TV I get excited and she tells me to turn it cause it’s boring.  Ahhh… growing up… got to love it.

No offense Wal-Mart, but I would’ve walked until I found a Target.  I just ❤ Target.

We’ve been having a love affair for a very long time.

It all began when I started working there for the summer when I was fresh out of high school.  I was a cashier, and being a cashier I got to see all the things being rung up for really cheap prices.  Then during my breaks I would stroll around the store locating all the treasures hidden in the store.

Clearance+discounts= happy Kristi

It was because of my time working there that I began to have a system on how to shop in Target.

Does anyone else have a system when they go shopping?

1) Check out the dollar section located in the front of the store.

2) Next go by children’s clothing and hit up the clearance racks.  Poor Justine doesn’t get clothes unless they are marked down.  I send her to third grade in last season’s clothes.  *hanging my head* I’m so ashamed.

3) Onto shoes.  Most of the shoes I own have been purchased from Target for under $10.  I do have a few pair of shoes that may have been like $12, $15, or $50, but don’t tell Justine.  I bought these shoes with the money that I saved from buying her clothes on clearance. Winking smile

4) Women’s clothing… I only look at the 50% to 75% off racks.  Some days I feel like scouring the racks.  Other days I just glance seeing if anything jumps out at me.

5) I swing by the baby section.  Though I don’t have a baby anymore I still like to see what deals are to be had.  Don’t ask me why.. I’m curious.

Next my system gets tricky.. do I go to electronics or toys?  I start thinking that whatever section I don’t pick I will miss some crazy deal that someone walking through a few minutes before me will find.  Don’t say it.  I know I have a problem.

6) I scurry to electronics looking for their DS or Wii games.  I’m telling you, you can find the best deals there.  My closet is full of games for my niece and nephew for their birthday’s and Christmas.  I love when I start crossing people off the Christmas list before summer.

7) I have to back track a little to get back to get to the toy section hitting up a few end caps of clearance items.  Come to think of it Justine only gets toys that are on clearance too.  Poor girl.

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I think this is a picture of her crying because she couldn’t get any toys cause nothing good was marked down.

8) Next up seasonal.. depending if it’s the beginning or ending of the seasonal items depends on if your going to see those magic red stickers.  I do a drive by.

9) I circle the home goods section because you can never have too many towels, blankets, rugs, picture frames, or organizing bins that if it says the write price it will end up in my cart.

10)  I swing by stationary.

11) Hit up the food sections clearance… sometimes they have the best items there.

By this time I’m panting from running around the store trying to get to each department before anyone else, that I have just enough energy to check out.

At least I’m walking out the door with a smile on my face.