Catch up

Sorry I was MIA this weekend…

I stayed pretty busy.

My 8.5 hour workday Saturday turned into 12 hours.  That’s one of the bad things about my job.  It’s open 24 hours a day, so if someone calls out for the following shift, someone has to stay and that someone was me.  By the time I got home I made my lunch for tomorrow and went to bed.

Sunday, I just had a day.  After working 12 hours on Saturday I had to turn and be there Sunday morning.  It wasn’t much of a weekend.

And here we are on Monday.  It’s really my Saturday.  I wasn’t feeling too great and spent most of the day on the couch.  Blah! 

I wasn’t too hungry, but was definitely thirsty and knew a green monster would do the trick.

A green monster makes everything better

As you can from my posts I have fallen in love with green monsters.  I have one everyday.  I haven’t really tried experimenting with different flavors, I’ve been thinking about what might be good in one.  I’ve pretty much stayed with the banana and peanut butter, but also use frozen mixed berries. 

I took about a 2 hour nap in the late morning, and it was just what I needed.  I love naps.

For lunch

Tuna sandwich and brown rice crisp chips

I don’t have tuna a lot, but it’s a very easy go to lunch.  I mixed 1/4 cup tuna with 1 tbs mayo, pepper relish, onions, mustard, and pepper.  Yum!  I had it on an english muffin.  My brown rice chips are running low as you can tell by the crumbs on my plate 😦

I was missing Justine while she was at school today.  She is such a good daughter.  Sometimes I feel like I don’t give her as much attention as I would like to.  She never complains when I have to work late, or when I need to do homework.  So for a little treat I decided I was going to get Domino’s pizza for dinner.  When I told her we were picking up pizza she asked me why.  I told her I just didn’t feel like cooking.  Why you don’t want any I asked.  She replied “Yes, I do. It’s just I’m usually the one who says it.”

Bacon and onion pizza with a breadstick... times this plate by 2

I didn’t really feel bad for having pizza today being that I didn’t eat too much throughout the day.  I also logged it onto my weight watchers log.

Straberry pretzel salad

My mom sent me home with this strawberry pretzel salad. It looks like a mess, but it is so good.  There is strawberry jello, strawberries, a cream cheese mixture, and pretzels with brown sugar on them.  The best part about this desert is that it gives you a reason to eat it all.  If you wait too long the pretzels get soggy, so it’s better to eat it all up soon after you get it.

And the best part of today is that I weighed myself this morning and I was down 1.6 pounds.  It doesn’t seem like all that much, but I’ll take anything right now, especially since I haven’t gotten my exercise mojo back just yet.

I’ll leave you with a funny story.  Saturday night my alarm went off and I jumped out of bed, cut my alarms off, and got in the shower.  I couldn’t believe how tired I was, but I slowly started to wake up.   I got out of the shower and looked at the clock and realized it was only 1248, I don’t have to get up until 4:30.  Justine had left her little timer in my room and it went off in the middle of the night.  I did get back to sleep, and the timer was thrown out of my room.

Happy Blueberry Day!

This past week has taken a toll on me emotionally.  As much as I’d like to believe that I have everything under control, I know that sometimes I don’t.  I know sometimes I pile too many things on my plate (pun intended), and I have to take a step back and figure out the routine of my life again.  I’ve been going through a lot of changes, some I’ve shared with you.  Others I haven’t, and some things I’ll tell you when the time its right.  Now though becoming a supervisor at my job, taking on going back to school full-time, being a mother, being the care taker of my home, being a friend, a daughter, a sister, a blogger, and being on a weight loss journey… it’s sometimes so hard.  And sometimes I get so exhausted.  I’m slowly figuring it out.  Alright enough of my rant… let me take you on a journey of my food…

I woke up to a monster, a green monster.

A perfect start to my morning

Usually I have a snack in between breakfast and lunch, but with my filling green monster, and being distracted with work and homework I didn’t need a snack and just went straight to my lunch.

3 cups romaine, 1/4 cup shredded cheese, tomato, onion, 1/2 cup Trader Joe's cuban style black beans, 100 cal guacamole pack, and salsa

This was a perfect filling salad and oh so good.   I didn’t need much after that salad, but did have a little something sweet.

Peanut Butter Apple Snack Bar

Once at home I had to celebrate National Blueberry Day, and what better way than to have blueberry pancakes for dinner!  Ahhhhh…. it’s so what I needed for a Friday night dinner.

Oh, blueberries

It was a super easy dinner, after a long day.

Blueberry pancakes and turkey bacon

I threw a few white chocolate chips in to one of the blueberry pancakes.  I just couldn’t resist. 🙂

Blueberry mush

This has been one of the best dinners I’ve had in a long time.  I just think it’s because I had breakfast for dinner. I had BLUEberry pancakes… I can’t even tell you when the last time I had pancakes was, and I had a little bacon.  Score!

One another note I don’t know if you can freeze already made cookies or not, but I decided to freeze the rest of my Chocolate Chip Oreo Sandwich cookies.  I thought the freezer was the best place for them.


Life gets in the way

Sometimes life gets in the way and all of those things I wanted to do in the day don’t get done.  Like last night, I had my post halfway written in my head.  I knew what I was going to say, but then my neighbor’s came over for an impromptu get together.  We ate some Trader Joe’s pizza and drank lots of wine.  Oops.  It was also the reason why at 9:00 I decided to try a new recipe. 

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookie Sandwich my reasoning of course was that I wanted to use up the few oreos that I had left and get them out of my pantry.  And, I wanted something sweet.  Something good.  Something fabulous.

Oh my goodness....

My weekend, which falls on weekdays… I know.  It’s a crazy schedule was spent doing some of this

I'm knitting a blanket

And a lot of this

Biology homework

And for me eats….

Sandwich Thin with Pumpkin Cream Cheese= 5 points

I had planned on having cereal with blueberries, but wanted something a little more .  I knew that I needed to finish up the cream cheese soon.  It would be a sin to let it go to waste.

1/2 cup vanilla yogurt, banana, and glazed pecans= 6 points

That is the last of my glazed pecans until I get to the store.  It’s a sad situation.


Trader Joe's chicken, rice, and spinach= 8 points

I cooked the spinach in a tsp of coconut oil.  It was so good.  I’ve had the coconut oil for a while now, but have never cooked with it.  I’m glad I finally did.  I’ll be using coconut oil from now on.

I’ve stayed in the house all dy today, and I must say it’s been nice.  Now I’m sitting waiting to see what the weather brings.  It’s raining, but is supposed to snow sometime this evening.  I’m hoping that it misses us though since I have to be at work tomorrow.