What a day

My morning started out as usual.  I might have been a little bit more tired waking up at 0430 due to the fact that I skipped my usual early bed time to stay up and watch My Secret Addiction on TLC.  Did anyone else watch that show?  The first episode was about a woman who slept with her blow dryer on her.  Now she was talking about the burns she received from it, but all I could think about was fire.  Then there was the lady that ate toilet paper.. like half a roll a day, the girl who sucked her thumb at age 24 and finally the woman body builder that worked at 6 hours a day.  All I have to say is wow.  It’s like watching a train wreck.  You don’t want to watch, but you just have to.

For breakfast I had a blueberry pomegranate smoothie from Yoplait, and a muffin that tastes like a donut.  I have to say that I froze most of those muffins, and they freeze really well.

The muffin looks a bit lonely

I headed to work expecting to have a nice leisurely day, but ended up getting swamped with work.  I haven’t been that busy in a long time.  During all the madness, my boss called me to let me know the person that was supposed to relieve me had called out, which added another 4 hours to my shift.  The bad thing about my work is that the station has to be manned 24 hours a day, so if someone calls out, someone has to stay.  I had only brought some soup for lunch, which I knew I would have to save for dinner so my coworker and I decided to order pizza.  Not the best decision, but after being super stressed, tired, and learning I have to work a 12 hour shift… the bad decision didn’t matter.  We got Papa John’s Chicken Bacon Barbecue pizza.  I had 2 slices and 2 cinnasticks.

This is a picture of the leftover pizza since I didn't have my camera at work


The only other thing I had a chance to eat at work was some plain greek yogurt, banana, and glazed pecans.  I ❤ glazed pecans.  That is an item I always have at my home.  They go so well with everything.

The PERFECT combination

Being stuck at work that long did give me a little bit of a chance to catch up on my blog reading once things slowed down.

I finally got home at 8:00 pm…. what a long day.  Thinking about leaving my house at 530 am.  I was at work from sun up to sun down.  I came home and heated up some leftovers since the pizza kept me full most of the day.  I was starving by the time I got home and scarfed down some leftover Mexican before I could even get a picture!

Is it dorky that I got excited when I saw Fage yogurt as one of my Twitter followers before I was even following them. Hahaha I guess it is dorky, but I was still excited.  🙂

My work pants fit!

First thank you all for the birthday wishes.  I wasn’t feeling too great that day, but I made the best of it.  I don’t think I will ever get too old to feel special on my birthday…

I’m happy to say my work pants fit!  With all the eating… and eating… and eating I have been doing these past few weeks I have been living out of my stretchable pants.  I was scared to put some real pants on.  I wish I could say that I’ve made good food choices, that I didn’t let the season get the best of me, that I kept with how I had been eating, but I didn’t and I’m owning it.  I hope that in a year I’ll be able to say that I didn’t blow it on the holidays.  I hope in a year I’ll be in a better place with food, and I won’t make bad choices just because I can.  I hope.

This morning I kept my breakfast light.

Muffin that tastes like a donut and apple juice

I borrowed my daughter’s mug!  I hope she doesn’t mind! 🙂

I wish I could say that I was eating light to get myself back on track, but no I was eating light because I knew that my coworkers  were bringing in some cinnamon crunch bagels from Panera to welcome me back to work.  It’s nice being missed 🙂  The bagel was good… so good.

For lunch I had some soup that I made the other day when it was snowing.  Chicken and Gnocchi soup.  I fell in love with gnocchi when I had some soup at the Olive Garden.  I loved the pasta and mashed potato combination.  When I saw them at Wegmans I bought a few packages not knowing what I was really going to make with it.  I really wanted to make gnocchi with some kind of soup and so I did.

Homemade bread to go with some homemade soup

I have a bread maker that I love using, I just don’t make bread too often.  I would rather eat sandwich thins for 100 calories, then eat bread with a little more calories that I made.  Sad I know, but it’s the truth.  Not pictured was the macaroni salad that a coworker brought in.  Sooooo good.  I was in carb heaven.  Also not pictured was the smores popcorn that I munched on until I started feeling a little sick. 

After work I went to Ledo’s for dinner.  Justine and I met a friend there, so it was nice being able to catch up.  It was nice that I chose to order the Portobello mushroom salad.  It came with red grilled onions, blue cheese, candied pecans, and apples on a bed of romaine and spinach.  It came with warm bacon dressing.  The salad was huge.  The garnishes were just enough.  I ate every single bite.  It was not nice that I ordered toasted ravioli for an appetizer.  I also ordered a slice of Reese’s peanut butter pie… also not nice.  I left feeling full and worried that if I don’t get my eating back on track soon…  I’m going to start feeling really bad about myself.

I wanted to share with you my only kitchen appliance I got this year for Christmas, and I am so excited to use it.

Panini Maker and Grill!

I can’t wait to use this!

I’m slowly starting to get back into my routine.  I think going back to work helps.

It’s My Birthday!!!

Today is my actual birthday… I am out of my 20’s and welcoming in my 30’s.  Everyone makes me feel like I should feel old, but I don’t.  I feel like 30’s is the new 20’s.  Hahaha… I think everyone might say that when they actually hit that number.

So during my holiday hiatus I learned that I am the worst picture taker.  I don’t have any pictures of all the great food I ate.  No pictures of me on Christmas.  No pictures of presents.  I pretty much suck 😦  So sorry guys.  I’m going to do so much better with the picture-taking, and not just my food.  I’m going to be better at taking pictures of my life.  This will be the year of pictures.  I’m going to add that onto my list of new year resolutions.

6) Be a better picture taker. Capture everything, not just food.

So let me tell you…

It’s been snowing here in Virginia, but the snow was a tease.   After a full day of snowing we might have two inches of snow.

My vacation is almost over.  *sigh*  I’m back to work on Wednesday.  I can’t believe how fast the days go by when your off from work.

Christmas was great.  I’m glad that I got to spend it with my family.  I’ve been back and forth between my house and my parent’s house so life has been hectic and I’ve been living out of my suitcase a lot.  I’m ready for life and my house to get back to normal.  I love Christmas decorations… but I also love having my house a little less cluttered.

I also love this time of year… I get into a cleaning frenzy making room for new things… getting rid of old, and really just organizing my house a little more.  It’s kind of like spring cleaning, but in the winter 🙂

Today was spent saying goodbye to my sister and her family who are now on their way back to Hawaii.

Justine and I had lunch at Pancho Villas which was delicious.  I need to get to the grocery store.  I think I only went about once in December so fruits and vegetables are much-needed around my house.

Tonight I’m spending the evening with my friends Kris and Erin and their family.  We’re doing our Christmas together then.  It’s nice to have Christmas a little spread out with everyone.

My blog will be getting back to normal soon.  I hope everyone is enjoying the rest of the holidays!!

P.S.I wrote this yesterday and published it… or so I thought.