You can call me grandma

Friday night consisted of me knitting… I’m trying to finish a blanket I’ve been working on for a while now.

I also went to bed at 8:30 when my eyes would stay open no longer.  I slept until 8:30 this morning.

You can go ahead and call me a grandma.  I embrace it.

I needed a night of good sleep as I try to get my body back to a normal sleeping at night schedule.

Breakfast this morning was….

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It’s bbbaaaaaccckkkk!  It’s been a little while since I’ve had a Green Monster for breakfast.  It was the best way to start off my Saturday morning.  I’m sure I’ll be having these for the next few days as I finish up my spinach that is starting to go bad.

I don’t talk much about religion on this blog, well actually I don’t think I’ve talked about it at all.  Though I believe in God… I haven’t always practiced what I preached.  Growing up I went to church every Saturday/Sunday.  I am Catholic.  As I got into my teenage years my parents did not make us go to church, and that was pretty much the end of my church going days.  After having such a rough time yesterday I woke up this morning feeling like God was what I needed.  I got out some books

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And spent my morning reading and studying the words of the Bible and journaling what I have been feeling.

I think this is the best way to start off any morning.  I felt so much better after I was done reading.

Today we are headed over to my parent’s house.  My mom was selected by House Party to host a Weight Watchers ice cream party.  So for lunch we will be feasting on pizza and ice cream!  I can’t think of a better way to spend my Saturday with family and food!

Funky day

Today has been somewhat of a funk day for me.

I have stayed in my pajamas almost the whole day. 

The only time I got dressed was when I had to pick Justine up from school.  I didn’t think she would appreciate me picking her up in my pj’s.

The moment I got back home I put my pajamas right back on.

I realized today that I’m having a hard time loving myself.

Katie over at The Healthy Diva wrote a great post today about loving yourself. 

I needed to read that post today.

I also realized that I can’t begin to think about loving someone else, until I learn to love myself.

I’ve been glued to the TV today watching the Royal Wedding, and William and Kate the movie, and whatever other specials have been running.

During commercials I did a little housework, so I wouldn’t feel like the day was a total waste.

I plan on spending the rest of the night curled up in my favorite spot on the couch.

Today just felt like a Chinese food kind of day.  I blame it on the drinks from last night.

It seems like whenever I drink, the next day all I crave is greasy not good for you food.

I picked up the Chinese.  I picked up a movie.

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I got chicken egg foo young with some fried rice.  My belly is full.

And for the entertainment…

I rented Eclipse, because Edward can make anything better.

My food choices haven’t been the best the past few days, and exercise has been nonexistent.

I need to make better choices.  Or better yet I will make better choices.

What’s everyone else doing on their Friday night?


I have a secret

I have a secret.

If you asked me yesterday if I was excited about the Royal Wedding…

I would have told you no.

Today I have been glued to the TV.

I’m awaiting the kiss… it’s 30 seconds away.

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I’m in love with the fact that she had an actual fairy tale wedding.

And a tad jealous.

While watching the wedding I decided to make

Banana Cinnamon Chip Blondies by Blog is the New Black.

I got to mash some more bananas.

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and cream some sugar, butter, and eggs.

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Tossed in some cinnamon chips and walnuts, and it was ready to bake.

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It’s still baking in the oven.  And it smells delicious.

I’ve had to rehydrate myself a little this morning.

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I might have had one too many drinks.

Well actually just one.

It was called the nuclear martini and if anyone asks if they want them to make you one.

Say no.

I had a great time, and am glad that I still managed to get up early.

Now I’m off to find some breakfast.

Yay for Fridays!