
Wow…. it’s been almost a week since I blogged.  Last week was pretty rough, and instead of writing one depressing post after another I decided to not blog.  I didn’t stop reading all of your blogs, but I just didn’t have it in me to sit and write.  I didn’t have it any me to care or keep track of what I ate.  I hit my bottom last week.  The bottom where you realize your not going to continue waking up every morning unhappy.  Only you have control of your happiness.  No one else is going to care that you’re sitting at home crying every night.  No one else is going to make you happy, but you.  You have the power to be happy, and that’s what I had to realize.

This morning I woke up to a green monster.

I got Unsweetened Coconut Milk at the store last time I was there, so I needed to a little something to sweeten it up just a bit.

Coconut Nectar

I just used a little of the nectar, which doesn’t taste like coconut at all, and it sweetened my green smoothie right up.  Yum!  I had never seen Coconut nectar before, but wanted to try something a little different. 

My snack today was a little of the same…

Plain greek yogurt, banana, and glazed walnuts

And for lunch… I made the cookinfanatic’s Black Bean and Chorizo Stew (  WordPress isn’t letting me insert a link into the post, so I’m just adding the address.

I began by sauteing an onion.  The recipe also called for green peppers, but since I didn’t have any I made the recipe without.  I’m trying to use up the ingredients I have on hand, and not buy too many other things right now.

Next up…

Add the chorizo and garlic.  I removed the casings from the chorizo and crumbled it before adding it the pan.  Do you know I think this is my first time removing the casing from anything… I felt a little bit proud when I did it.  🙂

Then add a can of drained black beans, cumin, red pepper flakes, and salt and pepper.

Add the chicken stock and cook for 20 minutes.

I had some soup and leftover tortilla chips for lunch.  It was the perfect combination.

The weather was beautiful this morning, but is now looking like the sky is going to open up in a down pour at any moment.  I love thunderstorms… how about you??

Where Did the Weekend Go??

I blinked my eyes and the weekend was over 😦

I have to start with Friday… National Wine Day and you know that I participated in that.

I have no pics from here is a flasback

 Saturday I spent the day with Justine.  We had an eye doctor’s appointments first thing in the morning.  Justine was hoping that she would get glasses, which she didn’t.  When the eye doctor told her that her eyes were fine she got a really teary eyed.  I had to explain to her that not having to wear glasses can be a good thing.  I had to get a new pair.  The pair that I had gotten a few years ago were actually the wrong prescription.  Good thing I don’t wear them too often.

Next we headed to Famous Dave’s to have lunch with one of my friends, Karen.  We’ve been friends since the 8th grade…. over half my life.  I don’t go to Famous Dave’s too often, but every once in a while I’ll get a craving for some meat.  Does anyone watch Man V. Food?  I watch it every once in a while and one time saw the host Adam Richmond eating some brisket and ever since then I wanted some.  I had never had brisket before.  I ordered a lunch combo that consisted of a little bit of brisket, 2 ribs, 2 corn muffins, and some fries.  Needless  to say it was both my lunch and dinner.  I’m also happy to report that after eating brisket, I don’t think I would want it again.  It was fatty.  And it didn’t look like the brisket Adam had.  I think he was in Texas… maybe that’s where I need to go.

Next up we went to Target for a little shopping.  I love our Super Target.  It never really seems to be overly packed even on the weekends.  I did a little damage to the wallet, but was all things that I had on my list for a while.

And finally we hit up Cold Stone to get some ice cream to go.  I think we went  a little over board.  This is now what my freezer looks like.

And then there was Sunday.  I worked during the day, and am now getting everything ready for tomorrow.  I’m also counting down the hours until I can go to sleep. 

It was a pretty good weekend, all except for I caught my guy friend in a lie and am not sure what to do.  The lie was pretty miniscule, but if someone were to lie about something so small, doesn’t that say something about their character?  I’m a little hurt.  I refused to let this person in out of fear of getting hurt.  I pushed and pushed for two months not wanting to start anything, and slowly he broke me down.  I must say this past week I really started falling… and then bam. He lied.  Now I’m stuck.  What to do, what to do.  I’m sure the answer will come to me.  I just need to give it time, but how I wish that people could just act right…. just once.

Hello Friends

Hello friends!  So sorry I had to take a few day hiatus from blogging.  I just didn’t feel that taking pictures and tracking my food where what I needed to be using the little energy I had for.

I’m doing a lot better, than the few previous blogs.

I’m sleeping a little more than usual, taking naps during the day, but if that’s what my body needs that is what I will give.

I realized that I deserve to be happy.  That by making myself miserable stressing over all that I was, I was the one contributing to the feeling of despair that I had.

Everyone’s elses lives go on, why should I allow mine to stop?

Soooo… I feel like this time in my life is a transition period.  I’m transiting from the old me, to the new me and I hope you will continue to stay with me through all the ups and downs.

Food today…

Nothing has changed breakfast wise.  I still am enjoying my green monsters.

My snacks for the day consisted of

Strawberry w/Nature Valley Nut Clusters

pretzels w/ spinach artichoke hummus


For lunch I finished up my Coconut Spinach Shrimp Soup with a piece of bread.

Dinner will be leftover spaghetti with Bolognese sauce.

This has been a week of trying to finish up leftovers.  I’m almost there 🙂

And for dessert a square of Lindt dark chocolate with sea salt.  And yes, I’m satisfied with a square.  So good.

And I might have a few of these

My new addiction.  I try to make myself eat just over serving a day.  Sometimes it works, other times well…..

My excitement yesterday consisted of getting this huge jar of peanut butter from Target for $1.89!

Score! I love finding deals.

Today is my Friday at work… YESSSSS! 

The weather has been beautiful.

I can’t ask for anything more 🙂