A few eats

After being gone most of the morning on the Find Pink Tight Mission, I was starving by the time I got home.

I made myself a big ol’ salad.

thursday 007

Lettuce, onions, meatballs, cheddar tortilla chips, and a Ranch bbq dressing.  It was delicious and filling.  I love salads that have a lot o’ toppings.  There is nothing better.

I have to work this evening so I packed a few snacks.

thursday 008


Strawberries, kiwi, and blueberries. 

thursday 009


Almond milk yogurt with coconut granola.  That takes my coconut eating/drinking.. to three today.  I ❤ coconut.

My friend/co-worker Kristi will be bringing in some chicken and zucchini for dinner tonight.  She is being nice and sharing so I’m bringing the last of my peanut noodles to have on the side.

I don’t like being gone all morning, it throws my whole routing off.  I didn’t get to get my run in outside, and by the time I got home I felt rushed.  I felt like I needed to get my shower done right after I walked through the door.  If I had given myself a minute I would have realized that I probably did have enough time to get my workout in.  *Slap to the forehead*  I guess I’m going to have to make today my unscheduled rest day.

It was crazy hot in Virginia for the second day in a row.  I hope all this hot weather brings in some rain.  You can’t even tell what color the back of my car is because of all the dirt.  Ugh!  I hate dry, dry weather.  I think they are calling for thunderstorms today and tomorrow, and I hope they don’t pass us by.

Does anyone else ever feel rushed when really they have more time then they think?

8 Responses to “A few eats”

  1. Alissa Says:

    I love salads with lots of toppings too! YUMMY! I never thought of putting meatballs on top though- great idea! We’ve had rain all day here today- but we’ve needed it!

  2. Laura Says:

    I hate nothing more than being rushed! And I do it to myself all the time… all the freakin’ time…

  3. Tessa at Amazing Asset Says:

    Ughh being rushed is the worst! I am such a planner so I try my best to avoid rushing, but sometimes its inevitable!

  4. Caitlin @ Southern Curls & Pearls Says:

    The fresh fruit looks delicious! There’s nothing better than eating cold fruit when it’s SWELTERING outside.. I had blueberries and raspberries this morning for breakfast. Yum 🙂

  5. Lauren Says:

    I always feel rushed! I usually have more time than I think . It can be frustrating!

  6. workingmomworksout Says:

    It’s insanely hot here, too! If I see some rain, I’ll send it your way! I love the new look of your blog, btw!

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